Forty companies and centers of excellence supported the project in the initial submission and are interested in developing partnerships with laboratories in the network :
KOELIS, GE Healthcare, Surgical Perspective, EndoControl, PARROT, CRITT Matériaux Alsace, MAGELLIUM, NOVADEM, ECA, PSA Peugeot Citroën, DASSAULT Aviation, BA Systems, Pégase, ViaMéca, Alcan, ADIV, Rb3d, Aldebaran Robotics, KINEO, BOUYGUES Travaux Publics, GOSTAI, MOVEA, DAHER Aerospace, PERCIPIO Robotics, Smart Equipment Technology, Robosoft, APOJEE, TECNALIA, THALES, Pôle des Microtechniques de Besançon, Centre de Plasturgie Grand Est, CERAM, …